One Minute World Arts 1分鐘看藝術
One Minute World Arts is a weekly arts column. Every week we picked an article from CULTURE/ARTS section from different NEWS platform and summarize the article for you to know what's new this week in 1 min.
- Saudi Arabia’s “Saudi Vision 2030”: Uplifting the Kingdom’s Performing Arts Industry 沙烏地阿拉伯的「願景2030」:提振表演藝術產業的新希望
- Romeo + Juliet: Prokofiev’s Classic, Hong Kong Style 《羅密歐+茱麗葉》:充滿香港風情的經典芭蕾舞劇
- Stomp: Leaving Its NYC Home After 30 Years 《破銅爛鐵》:30年打擊經典敲響紐約落幕鐘聲
- KÀ: “Magic” Created by Cirque du Soleil and Robert Lepage KÀ:羅伯.勒帕吉與太陽馬戲團聯手打造的精彩演出
- The Museum of Broadway: A New Home Safeguarding the History of Broadway 百老匯博物館:納藏無數經典製作的新天地
- The Guardian’s Top 10 Best Theatre of 2022《衛報》精選2022英國10大劇場演出
- Friendship on and off Stage: Reviving Sondheim’s Flop Musical Merrily We Roll Along 台上台下交互輝映的《友情歲月》:重製音樂劇大師桑坦的翻車之作
- Performing in Verdi’s Aida at the Met with No Opera Experience 大都會歌劇院復刻經典《阿依達》:舞台上壯盛軍容的新手「人馬」
- A New Broadway Musical Celebrating Korean Pop Culture 《KPOP》全新韓流音樂劇攻進紐約百老匯
- The New York Philharmonic: A New Home and Two Debuts 紐約愛樂新氣象:名指揮、數位牆齊亮相
- The Doctor: Examining Modern Ills in the Theatre 《醫生》:艱難倫理議題挑戰觀眾的道德底線
- Only Gold: New Off-Broadway Musical with Amazing Choreography 《真金唯愛》:以舞為重的全新外百老匯音樂劇
- Straight Line Crazy: A Visionary, or a Tyrant? 《直線偏執狂》:眼光獨具的大師?還是一意孤行的暴君?
- Orgelbüchlein: Bach’s Organ Music Made Complete by 21st-Century Talents 《管風琴小曲集》:現代作曲家延續巴赫的未竟之業
- RSC’s My Neighbor Totoro at Barbican: Popular Animation Made Alive on Stage 《龍貓》躍上倫敦舞台:萬眾矚目的經典改編
- Angela Lansbury: Iconic Musical and Film Star Passed Away Aged 96 安吉拉.蘭斯伯里:影視圈與劇場界的傳奇人物
- Art Mends the Soul: Theaters Continue to Matter During Wartime in Ukraine 藝術的救贖:烏克蘭戰時的劇場之用
- The Great Adventure of Hope: Little Amal in New York City 延續希望之旅:小阿默勇闖大紐約
- Good-bye to Two Major Broadway Musicals 告別百老匯兩大巨作:《致埃文.漢森》、《歌劇魅影》
- The Queen and Her Theatre 女王和她的劇場
- The Shed: An Innovative and Accommodating Cultural Center in New York 新空間,新氣象:紐約嶄新的多功能藝文中心The Shed
- Oklahoma! Revival: Dark, and Daring 新版《奧克拉荷馬!》:直搗人心的元老級音樂劇
- The Karate Kid: The Musical 經典再現:《小子難纏》音樂劇
- All the Baseball Field Is a Stage 棒球場上的精彩「演出」
- A Strange Loop: Audacious, Uproarious, and True 《怪咖繞圈圈》:勇敢真誠、妙趣橫生的新創音樂劇
- From Picture Book to Puppetry: I Want My Hat Back Trilogy 知名繪本《找回我的帽子三部曲》躍上舞台
- The Royal Opera House’s Double Bill 皇家歌劇院好戲連台的「雙組合」
- Jungle Book reimagined: Rekindling A Classic Adventure 《叢林奇譚》:阿喀郎重塑經典的醒世之舞
- Warrior Queens and Shades of Blue: A Dance Double Bill at Sadler’s Wells 《戰鬥女王》與《藍色暗影》:沙德勒之井的雙舞作
- Wired: Wheelchair Aerial Dance with Barbed Wire 《線・索》:突破身體障礙的空中之舞
- The Paradis Files: An Opera Exploring a Blind Musician’s Life 《派樂蒂檔案》:樂壇「盲魔女」的讚歌
- Pina Bausch: A Revolutionary 碧娜鮑許:革命性舞蹈家
- The Burnt City: Immersing Yourself in the Trojan War 《燃燒之城》:希臘悲劇的沈浸式體驗
- Historical Reenactment: Tombstone, Arizona, Brings You Back to the 1880s 再現歷史:墓碑鎮 帶你重返1880年代
- Birthday Candles: A Cake, A Life 《生日蠟燭》:生日蛋糕裡的人生況味
- Catch Me If You Can: The Musical 《神鬼交鋒》音樂劇
- The Fascinating History of Hawai‘i’s Hula Tradition 從傳統到現代:呼拉舞承載的歷史
- Performing Beethoven’s Fidelio in Sign Language 感同「聲」受:手語版的貝多芬歌劇《費德里奧》
- The Sophisticated Simplicity of a Mark Morris Masterpiece 馬克・莫里斯:簡約而繁複的律動之美
- Book of Mountains & Seas: Chanting the Ancient Chinese Myths 《山海經》- 吟詠古老的中國神話
- Hugh Jackman’s The Music Man: A Box Office Success 新版《歡樂音樂妙無窮》襲捲百老匯
- Let's Play Together 與眾同「樂」
- The Most “Senior” Theater in Japan Goes Down in History 日本最「年長」的劇場走入歷史
- Spirited Away on Stage 《神隱少女》舞台版
- The Collection: Combining Folk Dances to Create Something New 結合傳統民間舞蹈的新舞作《蒐藏》
- The Nutcracker in Cairo, Egypt 埃及的《胡桃鉗》饗宴
- All Kinds of Limbo: Turing Live #Performance into A #Digital Experience 從劇院到自家空間:科技與劇場交鋒
- The Practice of #Sustainability: Handel’s Alcina by Opera North 永續劇場 的實踐: 歌劇《阿爾席娜》
- Ten Years of Triumph- Tamara Rojo and The English Ballet 十年磨一劍 塔瑪拉‧羅尤與英格蘭國家芭蕾舞團
- Interpreting Greek Myth on stage- The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice- 舞台轉譯神話 奧菲厄斯與尤麗迪斯
- Happy 400th Birthday to the French #Comedy Master – Molière! 法國喜劇大師–莫里哀400歲冥誕
- From Film to Stage: Mrs. Doubtfire- 從銀幕到舞台《窈窕奶爸》
- Jukebox Musical- Once Upon a One More Time 點唱機音樂劇《從前從前,重來一次》
- Potter-esque #Theater: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child 霍格華茲劇場- 哈利波特與被詛咒的孩子
- A Stage Work of Fantasy- The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage 奇幻舞台之作: 塵之書首部曲- 野美人號
- The Little Prince with Dance, Music, and Circus Arts 融合舞蹈、音樂與馬戲雜技的《小王子》
- Titan of the American Musical: Stephen Sondheim (1930~2021) 永遠的音樂劇巨人: 史蒂芬.桑德漢
- The Maximalist Stage of Crimson- Moulin Rouge! The Musical 深紅色的極繁舞台- 音樂劇《紅磨坊》
- Across the Continent: A Journey of Hope 橫跨歐陸的希望之旅
- 'The Tiger Seems to Breathe’- Life of Pi in Theatre 三(加一)人便成虎- 《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》🐯
- Indigenous Enterprise: Increasing Native American Representation「原民大業」舞團提升美洲原住民文化的能見度
- Going to the West End- The Ocean at the End of the Lane 《萊緹的遺忘之海》— 進軍倫敦劇場一級戰區
- Ballet and Divine Comedy- The Dante Project by Wayne McGregor 芭蕾與《神曲》- 偉恩.麥奎格的《但丁計畫》
- Extraordinary Bodies – The Circus that Breaks the Limits 「非凡之身」:突破藩籬的馬戲表演
- JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Festival JOMBA! 非洲現代舞蹈藝術節
- The Terra Nova of Stage Design –– 改變視覺的玻璃元素
- Romeo and Juliet - When Theater Meets Film 羅密歐與茱麗葉 - 當劇場遇上影視
- Into the Woods - Théâtre du Peuple in Bussang 與自然為伍 – 布松民眾劇院
- Disney Magic on Stage – Frozen the Musical 迪士尼魔法席捲舞台 – 冰雪奇緣音樂劇
- Sir Ian McKellen - The Hamlet Across Half-Century 伊恩麥克連爵士 – 縱橫半世紀的哈姆雷特
- Facing the Ocean – Minack Theatre 臨海的露天劇院 – 米納克劇場
- Puppet Week of New York –戲偶來襲 - 「紐約國際戲偶藝穗節」
- The Return of the Magic - Wicked On Tour 劇場魔法的回歸 - 女巫前傳 再上路
- Macbeth On Tour – The Lord Chamberlain’s Men 疫情下的《馬克白》巡演 — 現代「宮務大臣劇團」
- Strandbeests” -- The Beach Animals 海灘上的 「仿生獸」
- Lifespan of Scout’s Ballet Pointe Shoes 思高・佛塞絲(Scout Forsythe)與她的芭蕾舞鞋
- MEDEA – Complex Emotions on An Empty Stage 美蒂亞– 極簡舞台上的複雜情感
- True or False- When Theater Meets Reality Show 虛實之間:當劇場遇上實境節目
- Voice Note Art 聲波「創藝」
- Different Vodou Aesthetic 不一樣的巫毒美學