One Minute World Arts- Romeo and Juliet - When Theater Meets Film 羅密歐與茱麗葉 - 當劇場遇上影視
2020 was a dark year for theaters around the world, as many shows were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, at the National Theater (NT) London, UK, the actors who played Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers in Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, were still rehearsing for their doomed journey of love. Directed by #SimonGodwin, this production managed to make its way “to be seen” against all odds, only to be filmed and broadcast with the supervision and assistance of David Sabel, the producer who created NT Live. The film was shot at the Lyttelton Theatre, NT, over 17 days, and it became a theater production solely created for screen: the cinematography, the acting, and the change of scenes were all aligned with the ideas and skills of movie making.
This was quite a challenge for the director though, as he was not experienced in film directing. “The rehearsals were familiar ground, but the rest of it was like film school for me”, Godwin said. But eventually the hybridity of the project and its success helped to open up new creative possibilities. It did not just show the audience another reinterpretation of Romeo and Juliet, but also the play’s transformation from stage to screen.
2020年對世界劇場來說,堪稱是晦暗的一年;許許多多的表演都因為疫情蔓延而被迫取消。但在英國倫敦的國家劇院( #NationalTheater)裡,飾演莎翁筆下不幸戀人#羅密歐與茱麗葉 的兩名演員,仍在努力進行排練,準備呈現他們命運多舛的真愛之旅。由賽門.哥德溫(Simon Godwin)執導的這部經典 #悲劇,在創辦 #英國國家劇院現場(NT Live)的製作人大衛.沙貝爾(David Sabel)協力下,克服重重困難,將影視與劇場的結合帶入了全新境界:全劇皆是在國家劇院內的 #萊托頓劇院(Lyttelton Theatre)拍攝,劇組花了17天錄製完成;更特別的是,本製作完全是為了拍成影片而打造,因此從運鏡到場景轉換,以及演員的表演方式等等,都是以電影拍攝的技法為依歸,與其他疫情下的線上直播截然不同。