One Minute World Arts- Into the Woods - Théâtre du Peuple in Bussang 與自然為伍 – 布松民眾劇院
45 miles away from the border of #Germany and France is #Bussang, a town in the north-east of France, where a 126 year old playhouse with a forest as its backdrop is located. Théâtre du Peuple was established by the #writer and #director Maurice Pottecher in 1895, inspired by #RichardWagner’s Festspielhaus in #Bayreuth. With mountains and trees surrounding the theater, #actors are often upstaged by the amazing scenery behind them. It is therefore no surprise that people are attracted by the relaxing atmosphere of the place, not necessarily the show, to pay a visit. What’s more, visitors can be found picnicking in the theater’s garden with the show’s actors tending the bar and making themselves available for a chat.
Théâtre du Peuple was the first “people’s theater” to be established in France after the #Revolution, and therefore hundreds of productions have been presented here to “connect” with the audience. Sometimes locals would even be invited to take part and play roles in certain performances, and thus the core spirit of a theater that is for the people gets to be fulfilled – which is very much in line with the founder’s motto: “Through Art for Humanity”.
在距離德法邊境約72公里處的法國東北部小鎮 #布松(Bussang),座落著一所依傍森林搭建而成的劇院。#民眾劇院 (Théâtre du Peuple) 是作家兼劇場導演 #莫里斯波特榭(Maurice Pottecher) 於1895年所創設,成立至今已有126年的歷史,其靈感則是來自 #理查華格納 (Richard Wagner) 在 #拜魯特(Bayreuth) 所建造的音樂表演廳。到民眾劇院看戲時,最令人驚艷的往往不見得是演員的表演,而是舞台背後綠樹環繞的#孚日山脈(Vosges Mountains)自然美景。可想而知,這座劇院真引人入勝之處,乃是現場空間所呈現的輕鬆氛圍;有些訪客甚至會在劇院的花園裡野餐,而幫他們倒酒、陪他們聊天的人,很可能正是參與表演的演員們。
布松民眾劇院是 #法國大革命 後第一座為人民所創建的劇場,因此時常透過戲劇演出來與群眾連結,甚至會邀請當地居民上台扮演劇中角色,從而體現「民眾劇場」的精神,落實創辦人波特榭奉為圭臬的信念:「透過藝術,踐揚人性」。
Photo Credit: Jean-Louis Fernandez 、Christophe Raynaud de Lage
Théâtre du Peuple: