One Minute World Arts- Ballet and Divine Comedy- The Dante Project by Wayne 芭蕾與《神曲》- 偉恩.麥奎格的《但丁計畫》
In 2014, choreographer Wayne McGregor sent his first email to composer Thomas Adès, proposing a collaboration. 7 years later, their creation, The Dante Project, a ballet piece reimagining the Divine Comedy by Dante, has finally reached London’s Royal Opera House in October. The production is designed by visual artist Tacita Dean, where the hell is made into a cold place rather than a fiery one. Dean also spent months working on a vast chalk drawing of icy mountains, which eventually became the backdrop for lighting designers to create the atmosphere of other worlds through the effect of light projection. Edward Watson, the dancer who plays Dante, has been a muse to McGregor for the last two decades; this would be his final principal role at the Royal Ballet. With all these artistic talents engaging themselves in The Dante Project, McGregor hopes that “the audience will transcend their velvet seats and melt together in pure energetic vibration.”
2014年,編舞家偉恩.麥奎格(Wayne McGregor) 首度向作曲家湯瑪斯.阿德斯(Thomas Adès)發出合作邀約;七年後,兩人聯手打造、重新演繹經典鉅著《神曲》的芭蕾舞作《但丁計畫》,終於在十月躍上倫敦皇家歌劇院(Royal Opera House)的舞台,與觀眾見面。這齣製作的舞台場景,乃是由視覺藝術家泰希妲・迪恩(Tacita Dean)擔綱設計的;透過她的巧思,故事裡的地獄搖身一變,從烈焰熊熊的所在,轉化成冷冽酷寒的地方。為了完成心中理想的意象,迪恩甚且花了好幾個月的時間,用粉筆畫出巨幅的群山覆冰圖,再讓燈光設計師在上頭映照光線、製作效果,以營造一股超脫塵世的氛圍。至於主角但丁,則是由皇家芭蕾舞團的首席舞者愛德華.華森(Edward Watson)出演;在過去的20年間,華森一直都是麥奎格創作時重要的靈感來源,而此次演出也是他最後一次擔任舞作裡的主要角色了。在邀集這群傑出的藝術家投入《但丁計畫》後,麥奎格深切期望觀眾於欣賞時能夠「跳脫現實框架,藉由舞蹈那股純粹的能量共振,一起昇華。」
Photo Credit: Cheryl Mann、Tristram Kenton/The Guardian