One Minute World Arts- The Maximalist Stage of Crimson- Moulin Rouge! The Musical


The Maximalist Stage of Crimson- Moulin Rouge! The Musical 

Adapted from the movie of the same title released in 2001, Moulin Rouge! The #Musical has won 10 #TonyAwards on #Broadway. For Alex Timbers, the director, and his creative team, the making of the musical is rather challenging since, unlike the movie, the narrative cannot be delivered through jump cuts, #closeups, whip pans, and other #cinematic effects. In order to create the same feel on stage, Justin Levine, the music supervisor, arranger, and composer, would have to gather 70 popular songs from the last 120 years and combine them with some original material into a score full of mashups and medleys. #Lyrics were also re-organized by Levine to serve the purpose of re-telling the story in hand. “The song is the closeup,” says Timbers, as “it is the moment we zoom in to what a #character is feeling.” Meanwhile, he also regards the lighting designer as the “editor” for the theatrical production of Moulin Rouge, whose work helps to focus the audience’s eyes as if calling out to them: Look over here! Look over here!

Moulin Rouge! The Musical has created an international cultural phenomenon, as it can now be seen in London, Melbourne, and New York at the same time.


深紅色的 #極繁舞台- 音樂劇《紅磨坊》 (Moulin Rouge! The Musical) 💃

改編自2001年同名電影、知名的百老匯音樂劇《#紅磨坊》在推出之後,總計抱回了10座 #東尼獎。對於導演艾歷克斯・汀伯斯(Alex Timbers)和他的工作團隊而言,將《紅磨坊》製作成音樂劇的過程,可說充滿挑戰;畢竟劇場和電影的表現手法大不相同,無法透過跳接、特寫和急搖運鏡等方式來說故事。為了在舞台上製造出與電影同等精彩的氛圍,本劇的音樂監督、編曲家兼作曲家賈斯汀.萊文(Justin Levine),著手匯集了70首橫跨120年的流行歌,並結合原創素材,譜寫成一整部 #混搭 風格顯著的樂曲;此外,他也調整了部份曲詞的鋪排順序,好重新演繹原作中廣為人知的情節。導演汀伯斯則認為:劇中角色演唱歌曲的時刻,形同舞台上「#電影特寫」的效果一般,導引我們貼近角色的內心世界,體察其所思所感;而劇場版《紅磨坊》的 #燈光設計師,就幾乎等同於電影版的 #剪接師,發揮其協助觀眾視覺聚焦的功效,彷彿隱隱中對著他們呼喚,「來!看這裡喔,看這裡!」

