One Minute World Arts- The Little Prince with Dance, Music, and Circus Arts
Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince), the world-renowned novella by French author Antoine de Saint- Exupéry, was first published in the US in 1943. Up till this day, the novella has been translated into more than 200 languages and transformed into various kinds of #artistic creation. In 2018, this popular and inspiring story was adapted and made into a #stage production by #director / #choreographer Anne Tournié, combining dance, music, circus arts, and video projections to bring to the audience a new theatrical experience. The show had its previous runs in Paris, Dubai, and Sydney, and is scheduled to be presented at the Broadway Theatre from March 2022. Broadway World, the New York-based theatre news website, hails this production of The Little Prince as one that “will satisfy audiences that enjoy innovative contemporary art forms.”
由法國作家安端.德.聖修伯里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)所著寫的知名短篇小說《#小王子》(Le Petit Prince/ The Little Prince),於1943年在美國出版問世後,至今已被翻譯成200多種語言,並且從中改編、創作出風格不一的藝術表達形式。2018年,身兼 #編舞家 與 #導演 二職的安.多妮葉(Anne Tournié),以這個膾炙人口的故事為本,打造了一部融合 #舞蹈、#音樂、#馬戲雜技,以及 #錄像投影 的舞台表演,期望能為觀眾帶來截然不同的劇場新體驗。這齣製作先前已經在巴黎、杜拜和雪梨等地演出,之後預計於2022年3月起,在百老匯劇院與觀眾見面。紐約劇場新聞網站「百老匯世界」,將多妮葉這版《小王子》譽為是「足以讓欣賞當代藝術形式創新的觀眾備感滿意」之作。
Photo Credits: SOKOL Entertainmen