One Minute World Arts- Facing the Ocean – Minack Theatre 臨海的露天劇院 – 米納克劇場
“To see is to believe” can best describe one’s encounter with the outdoor Minack Theater. “I knew of it from pictures I’d seen online and I thought it looked pretty, but when you arrive and see it yourself, it’s like, ‘Oh wow, this is insane.’ It’s probably the best theatre I’ve ever performed in.” said the actor Guido Garcia Lueches. Located in Cornwall, southwest of England, Minack Theater was built by Rowena Cade in the 1930s. Initially it was created as a performing space at Cade’s house garden near the sea for a local production of The Tempest. After that, Minack was constantly redesigned and improved by Cade, even when she was in her late 70s.
“Minack is a difficult place to play because it has many peculiarities,” said Mark Haradon, a veteran actor at Minack Theater. “Back in the days before microphones were equipped, you really had to project your voice if the sea was big and the wind blowing against you.”
「百聞不如一見」!這大概是人們造訪英國戶外表演場地 #米納克劇場 (Minack Theatre)時,內心最真實的感受吧?「我在網路上看過它的照片,也知道它很美,但當我抵達現場,親眼目睹這座劇場時,還是忍不住驚呼:這一切根本美到不可思議啊!我想它應該是我表演過的劇場空間裡面最棒的!」演員季多・賈西亞・盧易齊(Guido Garcia Lueches)如此一字一句地讚嘆著。座落在英格蘭西南端康瓦耳郡(Cornwall)的米納克劇場,乃是1930年代由露雲娜・凱德(Rowena Cade)所創設:起初,她只是提供臨海的自家花園,在裡頭搭建平台和座位,讓一齣莎士比亞的《暴風雨》有適當的場地可以進行演出;但在此後,這個空間便持續被她重新設計、裝修,直到她年屆八十都沒有停過,於是才有了現今令人驚豔的米納克劇場。
曾經多次在此表演的演員馬克・哈蘭登(Mark Harandon)表示:「米納克劇場不是一個容易駕馭的表演場地,它有太多特殊的眉角要注意了;比方說,在尚未架設麥克風來改善收音之前,每逢海浪呼嘯、狂風猛吹之際,台上的演員還真得吼個聲嘶力竭,才能讓觀眾聽清楚台詞的內容。」
Photo Credit: Jonny Weeks