One Minute World Arts- Titan of the American Musical: Stephen Sondheim (1930~2021) 永遠的音樂劇巨人: 史蒂芬.桑德漢
Stephen Sondheim, titan of the American musical and the the lyricist of the classics such as West Side Story and Sweeney Todd, passed away on November 26, 2021 at the age of 91. Once the news of his death broke out, the entire creative industry was in shock with sorrow; theatres in London’s West End even dimmed the lights to pay tribute to this legendary figure. In an article written by Bruce Weber for the New York Times, Mr. Sondheim is referred to as the theatre’s most revered and influential composer-lyricist of the last half of the 20th century. His music and lyrics can always reach the audience’s hearts and minds; in return, many of his audience admire and respect the artistic standard he has raised and reset for the stage musical.
Mr. Sondheim has won numerous honors and awards in his lifetime, including the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama. He will be remembered dearly by musical lovers around the world.
美國 #音樂劇泰斗,同時也是經典音樂劇《#西城故事》作詞者與《#瘋狂理髮師》曲詞作家的大師級人物史蒂芬‧桑德漢,11月26日於家中過世,享年91歲。消息一出,整個創意產業界同感震驚哀悼;就連 #倫敦西區 的多家劇院,也在劇場活躍的晚間時分同時熄燈,向這位永遠的音樂劇巨人致敬。在一篇為《#紐約時報》所寫的文章裡,布魯斯‧偉伯(Bruce Weber)將桑德漢譽為「二十世紀後半最受尊崇、最具影響力的詞曲創作者」。他的樂曲和歌詞總是可以打動觀眾的心神,而許多粉絲也對他致力提升、再造音樂劇品質標竿的作為,充滿讚羨崇慕之情。
桑德漢一生所獲得的獎項和榮譽,可說不計其數,其中甚且包括了 #普立茲戲劇獎,以及由歐巴馬總統所頒授的 #總統自由勳章。儘管他已離開人世,但他所遺留下來的音樂和文字,勢必會深深烙印在世人心底,永久流傳。