One Minute World Arts- Sir Ian McKellen - The Hamlet Across Half-Century 伊恩麥克連爵士 – 縱橫半世紀的哈姆雷特
English actor Sir Ian McKellen has taken on Shakespeare’s Hamlet once again this year at the age of 82. It has been 50 years since his debut performance as the Danish Prince in 1971. “I didn’t reckon I was any good,” so did McKellen remark when he was talking about his first Hamlet; however, now he thinks that portraying Hamlet would provide a way to “look into how much we need to see what we’re hearing”. The 2021 new version, directed by Sean Mathias, is set to be an “age, color, and gender-blind” production. Meanwhile, some audience members would be given the opportunity to sit on stage.
In addition to launching this classic Shakespearian tragedy in July, McKellen will also star in Chekhov’s four-act play, The Cherry Orchard, adapted by Martin Sherman, this September.
英國演員伊恩麥克連爵士(Sir #IanMcKellen),今年七月以八十二歲高齡,再度粉墨登場演繹莎士比亞經典悲劇角色#哈姆雷特(#Hamlet);這回距離他於一九七一年首次上台扮演哈姆雷特,已整整過了半個世紀。憶及昔日初試啼聲演出丹麥王子的過往時,麥克連自我評述道:「我覺得自己演得一點都不好。」但如今年事已高的他倒是認為:「在台上搬演哈姆雷特的故事,可以提醒觀眾去思考檢視耳語傳言的必要性。」新版《哈姆雷特》由尚恩・馬希亞斯(Sean Mathias)執導,呈現手法上卸除了年齡、膚色與性別等種種藩籬,而部份觀眾也因此有機會受邀坐在舞台上的席位看戲。
除了挑戰這齣經典莎劇外,麥克連也將在九月演出由馬汀・雪曼(Martin Sherman)所改編的俄國劇作家契訶夫四幕名劇 #《櫻桃園》(#The Cherry Orchard)。
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By Tristram Kenton / The Guardian