One Minute World Arts- From Film to Stage: Mrs. Doubtfire

The producers of the musical “Mrs. Doubtfire”, adapted from the 1993 blockbuster film, will suspend its performances on Broadway until March 14 due to the resurgence of the pandemic. The film, starring the legendary comedian Robin Williams, depicts a story of a divorced man, Daniel Hillard, who disguises himself as a woman so that he can spend time with his children as their nanny. Williams handled his roles between a desperate father and an endearing nanny with such commitment and affection that his Mrs. Doubtfire has impressed audiences worldwide and stayed with them over the last three decades. Rob McClure, the Tony-nominated actor who plays the title role in the musical, thinks his job is rather challenging in the sense that he is “meeting an expectation, a beloved one and cherished one”, as Williams’ performance is still well remembered by many. But McClure is all ready and up to the challenge: “I feel like Daniel Hillard can very much be me, but when Mrs. Doubtfire shows up, if I don’t honor the expectation enough, they’ll resist giving me the love they already have for her,” he says.

Mrs. Doubtfire the Musical is directed by Jerry Zaks, with music and lyrics by Wayne Kirkpatrick and Karey Kirkpatrick. Despite that critics have mixed views on the show, fans are still looking forward to seeing it after the pandemic cools down.



改編自1993年同名賣座電影的百老匯音樂劇《窈窕奶爸》,這部由傳奇喜劇演員羅賓‧威廉斯所主演的經典電影,內容描述離婚男子丹尼爾‧希拉德的故事:他為了能和自己的孩子們多點時間相處,決定裝扮成女人,擔任他們的保母;而威廉斯於片中充滿感情、渾身解數的演出,則精湛詮釋了這個在「失責父親」與「可愛保母」二者間疲於奔命的角色,擄獲全球影迷的歡心,創造了銀幕上歷經30年而不墜的喜趣形象。在《窈窕奶爸》音樂劇中擔綱主演的演員羅伯.麥克盧爾(Rob McClure),深知自己手上這份工作有多麼吃力不討好;畢竟羅賓・威廉斯版的「道菲爾太太」是如此深植人心,所以他勢必得全力以赴,才能做好份內的工作。不過,身為曾獲東尼獎提名的優秀演員,麥克盧爾已經做好了萬全的準備。他表示:「我覺得自己和丹尼爾‧希拉德這個角色之間,應該有著許多相似之處,因此這部份的表演比較沒有問題;可是當他化身為道菲爾太太時,如果我沒有好好演繹『她』的魅力,滿足觀眾的期待,那麼他們就無法接受、認同,並且由衷喜愛這個變裝轉性的角色了。」




Photo Credits: Matthew Murphy, Joan Marcus