Compagnie Louis Brouillard 《Pinocchio》
Pinocchio by Compagnie Louis Brouillard is inspired by Carlo Collodi’s book and directed by Joël Pommerat.
Pommerat has created two dozen plays, winning the 2006 Critics’ Prize for Best Work from the Critics Syndicate and the Grand Prix for Dramatic Literature at the Avignon Festival among others.
Seconds after it stars, the play plunges the audience into darkness. This is not uncommon in Pommerat’s shows, which are punctu- ated with blackouts and are dimly lit at the best of times.
Pinocchio’s narrator – or, more specifically, its présentateur – is illustrating his blindness as a child, during which time he created a company of characters who remain at his side. A couple of them are picked out upstage in a spotlight, each wearing an animal mask that’s creepy rather than cute. With the help of his company, the presenter tells us, he has dedicated himself to one task: to speak only the truth. Pinocchio’s audience learn, much like the wooden hero, that the world is full of random cruelty. If you hadn’t already guessed, there is no chirpy, Disney-style cricket in this retelling.
Performer/Compagnie Louis Brouillard
Original Text/Joël Pommerat
Director/Joël Pommerat
Artistic collaboration/Philippe Carbonneaux
Stage and Lighting Design/Éric Soyer
Costumes/Marie-Hélène Bouvet
Music/Antonin Leymarie
Sound/François Leymarie
Grégoire Leymarie
Yann Priest
Cast/Myriam Assouline
Sylvain Caillat
Pierre-Yves Chapalain
Daniel Dubois
Maya Vignando
Technical director/Emmanuel Abate
Stage managers/Sylvain Caillat, Mohamed Elasri, Margot Boche, Bruno Racine
Sound manager/Yann Priest
Light manager/Jean-Pierre Michel
Dresser/Elisabeth Cerqueira
Surtitles manager/Jorge Tomé
Chinese Translation/Shih-Wei Wang
Compagnie Louis Brouillard 《Pinocchio》
75 minutes
• 75 minutes without intermission.
• A pre-performance talk will start 40 minutes before the show.
• This program is recommended for those 10 and older.
• Performed in French with Chinese surtitles.
• Please arrive early for the performance. Latecomers will not be admitted.