Programs & Events

2019 NTT-TIFA Compagnie Louis Brouillard Le Petit Chaperon Rouge 2019 NTT-TIFA Compagnie Louis Brouillard Le Petit Chaperon Rouge

2019 NTT-TIFA Compagnie Louis Brouillard Le Petit Chaperon Rouge



Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) is French writer and director Joël Pommerat’s first adaptation of a popular fairytale. In this version, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge is neglected by her mother and bravely faces the Big Bad Wolf on her own. With a simple, yet powerful, stage design, the audience is drawn in, as the actors bring the characters to life. Pommerat also makes use of simple theatrical language to heighten emotions and to develop a unique esthetic.


Pommerat created this adaptation for his young daughter in 2004 to help her understand his work and in memory of his mother. Le Petit Chaperon Rouge is the first in a trilogy of fairytales presented by Pommerat and Compagnie Louis Brouillard. The other two are Cinderella and Pinocchio. Such stories can be enjoyed by children, as well as adults, as they address the desires, fears, loneliness and freedom experienced while growing up.

Featured Artists
Joël Pommerat

Joël Pommerat

Writer and Director

© Victor Tonelli, Hans Lucas
© Victor Tonelli, Hans Lucas
© Elizabeth Carecchio
© Elisabeth Carecchio
Artistic and Creative Team

Joël Pommerat, Writer and Director

 Joël Pommerat stages works that he has written, adopting a diversity of elements to construct a refined theatrical esthetic. He has won almost all of France’s important theater awards. In 2007, he served as artist-in-residence at Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord in Paris and in 2010 as associate artist for both the Odeon Theater of Europe in Paris and the National Theater of Belgium in Brussels.


Pommerat is a keen observer of political, economic and social issues and makes use of unique storytelling methods. In 2004, his first adaptation of a popular fairytale, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, premiered. This was followed by Pinocchio (2008) and Cendrillon (Cinderella, 2011) to form a trilogy.


Compagnie Louis Brouillard

The Compagnie Louis Brouillard was created in 1990.  Joël Pommerat is an author-director, he only composes his own texts. He developed a work in which texts, lights, sounds, music and costumes were developed almost at the same time, during rehearsals, in collaboration with the artistic team.


The Compagnie Louis Brouillard has created and accompanied 25 shows on tour.  After more than 3,500 performances, the various shows have so far attracted nearly 845,000 spectators in France and abroad. Joël Pommerat's texts are translated into 39 languages and adapted worldwide.





Writer and Director / Joël Pommerat

Set and Costumes / Marguerite Bordat

Set and Lighting / Eric Soyer

Sound / Grégoire Leymarie, François Leymarie

Performers / Rodolphe Martin, Isabelle Rivoal, and Valérie Vinci

Sound Engineer / Yann Priest

Lighting Engineer / Cyril Cottet

Production / Compagnie Louis Brouillard

Co-production / Centre Dramatique Régional de Tours, Théâtre Brétigny – Scène conventionnée du Val d’Orge (subsidised theatre space)

With the support of the Haute- Normandie, Region of France, Institut Français de Paris IF_LogoCart_RVB[2][2][2].jpg, Français de Taipei BFT Logo grand format.jpg









2019 NTT-TIFA Compagnie Louis Brouillard Le Petit Chaperon Rouge





Theater Virtual Tour

40 minutes without intermission


Compagnie Louis Brouillard Le Petit Chaperon Rouge







40 minutes without intermission

Performed in French with Chinese surtitles

Please arrive early for the performance. Latecomers may not be admitted.

Suggested for ages 9+



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