2022 TC音樂節『勇源X TC國際室內樂系列 I & II—德奧狂野 & 沙龍裡的光影』演出異動公告
2022 TC音樂節『勇源X TC國際室內樂系列 I & II—德奧狂野 & 沙龍裡的光影』演出者之一,鋼琴家帕斯卡.德渥雍(Pascal Devoyon)因健康顧慮,不克參與演出,《德奧狂野》演出將由鋼琴家林易擔任;《沙龍裡的光影》將由鋼琴家王佩瑤擔任,兩場曲目維持不變。
已購票觀眾可持原票券入場,如不克前往之觀眾自公告日起至2022年09月17日前可辦理全額退票。(節目異動公告後購票觀眾、未於全額退票截止日前辦理退票之觀眾,將不適用全額退票。)造成不便,尚祈見諒。如有任何疑問,請致電主辦單位陳小姐 02-23213313(週一至週五10:00~18:00)
Due to the health concern, pianist Mr. Pascal Devoyon is unable to join the TC International Chamber Music Series- "The Unbound Spirit" and "Un Rendez-vous Musicale". We hereby announce Mr. Steven Lin is invited to perform in “The Unbound Spirit”, and Ms. Pei-Yao Wang will be joining “Un Rendez-vous Musicale”. The programs remain the same.
Customers who have purchased tickets can apply for a full refund until September 17th, 2022. Please visit OPENTIX for further refund information.