2021 歌劇院台灣國際藝術節(NTT-TIFA)系列 【節目異動公告】
2021 歌劇院台灣國際藝術節(NTT-TIFA)系列【節目異動公告】
Special Announcement on 2021 NTT-TIFA Programs
- 2021/5/28-30 丞舞製作團隊╳琉森舞蹈劇場《愛麗絲》B.DANCE ╳ Tanz Luzerner Theater, ALICE
Due to the global impact of the COVID-19, this program will be rescheduled to this summer. Customers who have purchased tickets can apply for a full refund. Please refer to NTT's website for further rescheduled information.
- 2021/4/24-25《複眼人》The Man with the Compound Eyes
The program contains coarse language and adult elements. It is suggested for ages 15 and above. With regards to the content modification, customers who have purchased tickets can apply for a full refund.
1. 現金購票者:
- 請於2021年4月23日(五)前持票前往歌劇院一樓售票處,或至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄服務處辦理退票;
- 如不方便親自辦理退票,請於2021年4月23日前(以郵戳為憑,須自行負擔郵資),掛號郵寄票券至「407025臺中市惠來路2段101號B1臺中國家歌劇院OPENTIX服務處收」,信封請註記2021 NTT-TIFA退票。請務必附上匯款帳戶影本及電話聯絡資料,以便退款至您的帳戶。
2. 刷卡購票者:不需親自辦理,OPENTIX將自動退刷至信用卡帳號,敬請留意您的信用卡帳單。
The application for refund of the above programs will be available until April 23, 2021.
Refund will be processed automatically for tickets settled by credit card. Ticket holder with ticket previously settled by cash, please visit OPENTIX or call +886-4-2251-1777.
Customers with tickets issued from OPENTIX:
1. Payment settled by Cash
Refund can be processed at Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung service centers before April 23, 2021. If unable to apply for refund in person, please mail the ticket(s), a copy of your passbook, and your contact information to National Taichung Theater before April 23, 2021, at National Taichung Theater, Box Office 407025 B1, No. 101, Sec. 2, Huilai Rd.,Xitun District, Taichung City.
*Please put a note of "2021 NTT-TIFA REFUND" on the envelope"
2. Payment settled by Credit Card Refund will be processed automatically.