派瑞.寇摩〈直到時間盡頭〉 直到水井乾涸 高山夷為平地 我也會陪伴你照顧你 度過笑語淚滴 那就帶走我臣服的心 溫柔的說出口 你愛我也因我而生 直到時間盡頭 |
“Til the End of Time” by PERRY COMO Till the wells run dry and each mountain disappears I'll be there for you to care for you through laughter and through tears So take my heart in sweet surrender and tenderly say that I'm The one you love and live for till the end of time.
納京高〈我愛你因我深情依依〉 我愛你 因我深情依依 希望你真能相信 我已交付我的心 | “(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons” by NAT KING COLE I love you for sentimental reasons I hope you do believe me I’ve given you my heart.
佩.韋.金〈田納西華爾滋〉 我與愛人共舞一曲田納西華爾滋 恰巧與昔日友人相遇 我將友人介紹給愛人 當他倆共舞 友人竟將我愛人奪去 | “TENNESSEE WALTZ” by PEE WEE KING I was dancin' with my darlin' to the Tennessee Waltz When an old friend I happened to see I introduced him to my loved one and while they were dancin' My friend stole my sweetheart from me
埃迪.米勒〈放開手〉 請放開手 讓我走 我對你的愛只剩冷漠 住在一起是讓彼此受罪 放開手 讓我再愛一回 | “Release Me” by EDDIE MILLER Please release me let me go I don’t love you anymore To live together is a sin Release me and let me love again
胖子多明諾〈大胖子〉 他們都管我叫大胖子 因為我體重兩百磅 女生們都愛我 因為我很有一手 因為我很有一手 | “The Fat Man” by FATS DOMINO They call, they call me the fat man ´Cause I weight two hundred pounds All the girls they love me ´Cause I know my way around ´Cause I know my way around
東尼.班奈特〈冷酷的心〉 我越是想要靠近你 我們越是疏離 為何我不能鬆懈你的懷疑 融化你冷酷的心 | “Cold, cold heart” by TONY BENNETT The more I learn to care for you, the more we drift apart Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold, cold heart?
漢克.威廉斯〈偷情的心〉 偷情的心會使你流淚 你哭著哭著 試圖入睡 但整夜難眠 意識清醒 偷情的心將會告發你
| “Your Cheating Heart” by HANK WILLIAMS Your cheatin' heart will make you weep You'll cry and cry and try to sleep But sleep won't come the whole night through Your cheatin' heart will tell on you |
比爾.哈利與彗星樂團〈徹夜狂歡〉 一點 二點 三四點 五點 六點 七八點 九點 十點 十一十二點 我們跳給他爽 徹夜狂歡 穿上蝦趴的服裝 隨我來 一點一到 我們就嗨起來 我們跳給他爽 徹夜狂歡 我們搖搖搖到太陽升起來 我們跳給他爽 徹夜狂歡 | “Rock Around the Clock” by BILL HALEY AND HIS COMETS One two three o’clock, four o’clock rock Five, six, seven o’clock, eight o’clock rock Nine, ten, eleven o’clock, twelve o’clock rock We’re gonna rock around the clock tonight Put your glad rags on, join me hon We’ll have some fun when the clock strikes one. We’re gonna rock around the clock tonight We’re gonna rock, rock, rock ‘til broad daylight We’re gonna rock, gonna rock around the clock tonight
艾維斯.普里斯萊〈獵狗〉 你不過是條獵狗 整天吠不停 你不過是條獵狗 整天吠不停 你永遠抓不到兔子 你也不是我朋友 | “Hound Dog” by ELVIS PRESLEY You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, cryin' all the time You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, cryin' all the time Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit, and you ain't no friend of mine
貿易船合唱團〈青春鮮血〉 看哪! 青春鮮血 我無法將你趕出腦海 | “Young Blood” by THE COASTERS Look a-there! Look a-there! Look a-there! Look a-there! Young blood, young blood, young blood I can't get you out of my mind
傑瑞.李.路易斯〈巨大火球〉 你搖動我的神經 擾亂我的思緒 濃烈的愛讓一個男人瘋狂 你突破我的意志 多麼激情 我的天啊 如巨大火球 我笑看愛情 只覺愛情逗趣 但你的出現打動了我的心 我已改變主意 這場愛戀美好 我的天啊 如巨大火球 | “Great Balls of Fire” by JERRY LEE LEWIS You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain Too much love drives a man insane You broke my will, oh what a thrill Goodness gracious great balls of fire I laughed at love when I thought it was funny But you came along and moved me honey I've changed my mind, this love is fine Goodness gracious great balls of fire
巴迪.霍利〈哭著、等著、盼著〉 哭著等著盼著你會歸來 我似乎無法將你忘懷 哭著等著盼著你會歸來 你是我一生摯愛 我想你日夜難耐 | “Crying, Waiting, Hoping” by BUDDY HOLLY Crying, waiting, hoping you’ll come back I just can’t seem to get you off my mind. Crying, waiting, hoping you’ll come back You’re the one I love, and I think about you all the time.
法蘭基.艾瓦隆〈鮑比襪換成絲襪〉 當女孩從鮑比襪換成絲襪 當她開始把玩具換成男孩 當曾經羞怯的小瞌睡蟲 懂得愛情的抑揚頓挫 我敢說那種改變 勝過於棉花變成絲綢 | “Bobby Sox to Stockings” by FRANKIE AVALON When a girl changes from bobby sox to stockings And she starts trading her baby toys for boys When that once-shy little sleepyhead Learns about love and its lilt You can bet that the change Is more than from cotton to silk
波浪髮型合唱團〈藍月〉 藍月 你見我隻身孤影 心內底沒有夢想 找不到一段戀情 | “Blue Moon” by THE MARCELS Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own
小夏娃〈跳跳火車頭舞〉 每個人都在跳著一種新的舞蹈 (來吧寶貝 一起跳火車頭舞) 我知道你會愛上 只要試一次就好 (來吧寶貝 一起跳火車頭舞) 我家小妹妹都能跟著我跳 比起學ABC還來得容易 所以來吧 跟我一起跳火車頭舞 | “The Loco-motion” by LITTLE EVA Everybody’s doing a brand-new dance, now. (Come on baby, do The Loco-motion.) I know you’ll get to like it, If you give it a chance, now. (Come on baby, do The Loco-motion.) My little baby sister can do it with me It’s easier than learning you’re a B C’s So come on, come on, do the Loco-motion with me
彼得、保羅和瑪麗〈我們將戰勝〉 我們將戰勝 我們將戰勝 我們總有一天能戰勝 在內心深處 我深信不疑 我們將戰勝 | “We Shall Overcome” by PETER, PAUL & MARY We Shall Overcome We Shall Overcome We Shall Overcome someday. Oh deep in my heart I do believe We Shall Overcome
披頭四〈我所有的愛〉 閉上雙眼 我會吻你 到了明天 我會想你 記得我永遠真心真意 然後當我遠赴異地 我會每天寫信給你 把我所有的愛寄給你 | “All My Loving” by THE BEATLES Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you, tomorrow I’ll miss you Remember I’ll always be true And then while I’m away, I’ll write home every day And I’ll send all my loving to you
貝瑞.麥奎爾〈毀滅前夕〉 東方世界 爆炸四起 暴行肆虐 槍彈不息 你到了可殺人 但不得投票的年紀 你不相信戰爭 槍枝卻握在手裡 連約旦河上都滿載著浮沉的屍體
想想紅色中國的種種仇恨 再看看塞爾瑪的黑人抗爭 你也許能逃到外太空待四天 但當你返回 這裡依舊不變 隆隆戰鼓震天 傲慢與羞愧 你能埋葬死者 但不要讓人發現 痛恨你的鄰居 但飯前記得謝天 請告訴我 不厭其煩的說 我的朋友 說你不信我們處於毀滅前夕 不不 你不信我們處於毀滅前夕 | “Eve of Destruction” by BARRY McGUIRE The eastern world, it is exploding Violence flarin', bullets loadin' You're old enough to kill, but not for votin' You don't believe in war, but what's that gun you're totin' And even the Jordan River has bodies floatin'
Think of all the hate there is in Red China Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama You may leave here for 4 days in space But when you return, it's the same old place The poundin' of the drums, the pride and disgrace You can bury your dead, but don't leave a trace Hate your next-door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace And, tell me over and over and over and over again, my friend You don't believe we're on the eve of destruction Mm, no no, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
何許人合唱團〈我的世代〉 人們想把我們約束 只因我們暢行無阻 他們的行為太惡劣 希望我死於衰老前 | “My Generation” by THE WHO People try to put us d-d-down Just because we g-g-get around Things they do look awful c-c-cold Hope I die before I get old
滾石樂團〈想當你的男人〉 我想當你的愛人 寶貝 我想當你的男人 我想當你的愛人 寶貝 我想當你的男人 想當你的男人 想當你的男人 | “I Wanna Be Your Man” by ROLLING STONES I wanna be your lover, baby, I wanna be your man I wanna be your lover, baby, I wanna be your man I wanna be your man, I wanna be your man, I wanna be your man, I wanna be your man
史蒂芬野狼合唱團〈乘坐魔毯〉 我喜歡做夢 是的沒錯 在我的助眠機低吟中 我乘著聲音的雲飄入黑夜 無論飛往哪裡都對 遠一點 近一些 遙遙的繁星之間 嘿 你不知道我們能找到什麼 何不跟著我來 小女孩 一同乘坐魔毯 喔 你不知道我們能看到什麼 何不跟我說說你的夢 幻想會讓你自由
| “Magic Carpet Ride” by STEPPENWOLF I like to dream yes, yes, yes Right between my sound machine On a cloud of sound I drift in the night Any place it goes is right Goes far, flies near, to the stars away from here Well, you don't know what we can find Why don't you come with me little girl On a magic carpet ride Well, you don't know what we can see Why don't you tell your dreams to me Fantasy will set you fre |
珍妮絲.賈普林〈我的真心〉 我要你放馬過來 放馬過來 再拿走一片我的真心 寶貝 再敲碎一塊我的真心 達令 再品嚐一口我的真心 寶貝 你知道它是你的 你能開心就好 噢 沒有錯 | “Piece of my Heart” by JANIS JOPLIN I want you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it, Take it! Take another little piece of my heart now, baby! Oh, oh, break it! Break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah, yeah, yeah. Have another little piece of my heart now, baby, You know you got it if it makes you feel good! Oh, yes indeed.
瓊妮.蜜雪兒〈輪轉遊戲〉 昨天有個孩子外出嬉戲 抓了隻蜻蜓裝進罐子裡 雷聲震天讓她害怕至極 星辰落下讓她傷心涕零 | “Circle Game” by JONI MITCHELL: Yesterday a child came out to wonder Caught a dragonfly inside a jar Fearful when the sky was full of thunder And tearful at the falling of a star.
喬.庫克〈有朋友出手相助〉 如果我唱歌走音 你會有何反應 會不會起身 離我而去 把耳朵借我 我就為你高歌一曲 我會努力不唱走音 有朋友出手相助 我得以撐下去 | “With a Little Help From my Friends” by JOE COCKER What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song And I'll try not to sing out of key Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
史萊和史東家族合唱團〈我想要讓你更嗨〉 感覺越來越強烈 音樂也越來越長 音樂對我暴露一切 我想要 我想要 我想要讓你更嗨 我想要讓你更嗨 | “I Want to Take you Higher” by SLY AND THE FAMILY STONE Feeling’s getting’ stronger Music’s gettin’ longer too Music still flashing me I want to, I want to, I want to take you higher I want to take you higher
大衛.鮑伊〈太空怪談〉 湯姆少校呼叫地面中心 我正在踏出艙門 用最奇特的方式飄浮著 今天的星星看起來很不一樣 在這裡 像是坐在鐵罐裡頭 在遙遠的世界上空 看著藍色地球 我什麼也不能做 | “Space Oddity” by DAVID BOWIE This is Major Tom to ground control, I'm stepping through the door And I'm floating in a most peculiar way And the stars look very different today For here Am I sitting in a tin can far above the world Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do |