2021 夏日FUN時光 | 臺中國家歌劇院 National Taichung Theater



自來到歌劇院工作,就想讓歌劇院的夏季系列成為全家搶灘的季節。於是先以「音樂劇在臺中」讓不分年齡的朋友都願意來歌劇院看演出,從令人驚豔的日、韓音樂劇、到創下票房紀錄的《一個美國人在巴黎》,我們接續打造「夏日放/FUN時光」(Summer Fun Time),讓全家可以一起「攻佔」歌劇院欣賞演出、參與展演活動。但,得先說,這不是「親子系列」節目,而是家裡每一個人都能在這「夏日放/FUN時光」系列裡找到屬於自己的品味、喜愛風格的演出與活動!

先從每年都帶給大家新劇場概念的「新藝計畫」說起,今年我們以「肢體劇場」為題,這可不是「默劇演出」!肢體劇場有很多定義與流派,最基本、共通的是沒有文本、語言(可以有聲音),以身體與媒材的互動表達心理、或社會議題。今年唯一的國外節目頭蓋骨合作社《骨裡古怪1.0》(Kallo Collective Only Bones 1.0)以單一演員,從腳指頭開始,慢慢向上展開「肢體敘事」的各種表情;國內唯一入選的失序場《非常態運動—失序邊境》,是一群非常年輕的創作者在疫情期間發想的創作:失去重力平衡的蹺蹺板,肢體如何抗拒牽引,找到常態的可能──這,是我們在疫情期間的課題,不是嗎?


音樂劇,當然沒缺席!以百老匯音樂劇製作的規格,籌備兩年,歷經四次中英文線上線下讀劇試演,未演已口碑四溢的《熱帶天使》終將首演!另一齣在外百老匯音樂劇界被暱稱為長壽的LPC──《I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change》,夾著今年春天在臺北連續售罄33場紀錄,將成為「夏日放/FUN時光」的壓軸。


—— 臺中國家歌劇院 藝術總監 邱瑗

“Many Thrilling Possibilities!”

Is this a globalized custom? With the arrival of summer, families gather as parents and children join hands together!

Since I started working at the National Taichung Theater, it has been my desire that the NTT Signature series for the summer season would see families coming into our venues seizing the best seats in the house. We first launched the annual Oh! NTT Musicals, welcoming friends of all ages to enjoy rich offerings – from Japanese and Korean original musicals to the record-breaking An American in Paris: The Musical. In addition, we devised other Summer Fun Time programs, encouraging the entire family to “take over” the NTT, where everyone can delight in something. But I must make it clear: these are not “family-fun” programs but truly a “Summer Fun Time” in which every family member can pick out something that suits his or her individual taste and style!

Let’s start with the NTT Emerging Artists Project. For 2021, we focus on the theme of “physical theater,” but please don’t confuse this only with “mime”! Broadly defined, physical theater has many schools of practitioners. On the most fundamental level, this genre does not involve text or language (though sounds are permitted) but rather utilizes the interaction of body, media and physical objects to express emotions or address social themes. Our sole imported program this year is Kallo Collective’s Only Bones 1.0 featuring a single performer who narrates his story, expressing himself from his toes to every inch of his body. We also present Taiwan’s own Order from Chaos in Helter Skelter – Tilted Border, a work developed during the pandemic that challenges the human body in manipulating an off-center seesaw. But isn’t that a metaphor for the pandemic experience? Aren’t we all searching for normality under extreme circumstances?

This year we also present two new dance works: ALICE and The Center. While the former explores fantasy and the unknown as one journeys into the proverbial rabbit hole, the latter engages in a discussion of equality and inequality. Although physical aesthetics may be different, they inspire us both to think and feel, arousing our intellect while plumbing the depths of our hearts. From its success in Festival OFF d’Avignon to Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes in France, Taiwan’s own Soup of Reincarnation provides a rare opportunity for us to appreciate the delicate nuances of facial expression and physical dexterity, as if puppets and puppeteers have melded into one. From Kaohsiung to Taipei, avid fans travel across the island following Kurama Tengu that fuses the essence of traditional opera and modern theater, bearing testament to the amazing appeal of Taiwanese-style revue à la Takarazuka! Award-winning interdisciplinary artist Ballboss directs the popular Humperdinck opera Hänsel und Gretel, deconstructing it from the perspectives of both parents and children while redefining the meaning of love.

We would remiss if we didn’t offer a musical every summer! Following the Broadway production process, having gone through two years of development and four bilingual (online and in-person) readings and workshops, Tropical Angels has already garnered so much positive word of mouth even before its world premiere! Another musical – I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change – has already enjoyed longstanding success Off-Broadway. Having gained its own acronym worldwide, LPC will grace our Summer Fun Time stage following its 33-show, sold-out run in Taipei last spring, marking the grand finale of our season.

The pandemic warranted the cancellation of most of our international programs originally scheduled for 2020 and 2021. The flipside of the coin, however, has blessed us with more opportunities to marvel at the creativity of our own artists. Summer Fun Time 2021 will be a season bursting in technicolor that celebrates Taiwanese artistry!

——  Joyce Chiou, Gen­eral and Artis­tic Di­rec­tor

2021 夏日放/ FUN時光 節目異動公告 (2021/07/23)
Special Announcement on Program Reschedule

依循文化部防疫指引,臺中國家歌劇院為了讓您安心觀賞節目,2021夏日放/ FUN時光系列將進行下列節目異動:


  • 7/10-7/11 真快樂掌中劇團《孟婆.湯》,演出取消
  • 7/17-7/18 頭蓋骨合作社《骨裡古怪1.0》,演出取消
  • 7/24-7/25 2021 夏日放/Fun時光 x 新舞臺藝術節 — 駐館藝術家林孟寰音樂劇《熱帶天使》,演出延期,延演日期確認後,將儘速公佈,屆時不可持原票券入場(需重新購買)
  • 7/31-8/1 丞舞製作團隊《愛麗絲》演出取消,8/1改為線上直播
  • 8/6-8/8 洪伯定克歌劇《糖果屋》,演出延期,8/28-8/29線上播映精彩片段
  • 8/14-8/15 奇巧劇團—胡撇仔劇場《鞍馬天狗》,演出取消,8/13-8/15改為線上播映
  • 8/27-8/29 活性界面製作─外百老匯音樂劇《LPC》,演出延期

※  以上節目將進行全額退票,延演節目待日期確認後儘速公佈,屆時不可持原票券入場需重新購買。退票辦法相關資訊https://bit.ly/3w7vMPc


  • 8/6-8/8 新藝計畫 失序場《非常態運動-失序邊境》
  • 8/13-8/15 周書毅✕鄭志忠《阿忠與我》

※  將依原定計畫演出,施行「梅花間隔座」,期待與您劇場相見!

真快樂掌中劇團《孟婆.湯》 Jin Kwei Lo Puppetry Company Soup of Reincarnation

小劇場Black Box

  • 7/10 14:30
  • 7/10 19:30
  • 7/11 14:30

頭蓋骨合作社《骨裡古怪1.0》 Kallo Collective Only Bones 1.0

小劇場Black Box

  • 7/17 14:30
  • 7/17 19:30
  • 7/18 14:30

歌劇院駐館藝術家林孟寰音樂劇《熱帶天使》 NTT Artists in Residence LIN Meng-huan Tropical Angels


  • 7/24 14:30
  • 7/24 19:30
  • 臺中一中校友會專場
    7/25 14:30

洪伯定克歌劇《糖果屋》 Hänsel und Gretel by Humperdinck


  • 8/6 19:30
  • 企業專場
    8/7 14:30
  • 8/8 14:30

失序場《非常態運動-失序邊境》 Order from Chaos Helter Skelter – Tilted Border

小劇場Black Box

  • 8/6 19:30
  • 8/7 14:30
  • 8/7 19:30
  • 8/8 14:30

周書毅✕鄭志忠《阿忠與我》 CHOU Shu-yi & CHENG Chih-chung The Center

小劇場Black Box

  • 8/13 19:30
  • 8/14 14:30
  • 8/15 14:30

奇巧劇團—胡撇仔劇場《鞍馬天狗》 ChiChiao Musical Theatre Kurama Tengu


  • 8/14 14:30
  • 8/15 14:30

活性界面製作─外百老匯音樂劇 Activa Productions – Off-Broadway Musical I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change

小劇場Black Box

  • 8/27 19:30
  • 8/28 14:30
  • 8/28 19:30
  • 8/29 14:30

2021 夏日FUN時光 系列活動


  • 5/29
    14:00 - 16:00、18:00 - 20:00





※活動前30分鐘開放入場,請出示報名QR Code,一人一票認證後入場。

5/10(一) 開放線上報名



【2021 NTT-FUN套票】



歌劇院會員:序曲卡8 折、歌劇院卡 9 折、NTT市民卡 8 折、忘我會員 75 折、學生會員 75 折(限購 1 場 1 張)

兩廳院會員、衛武營國家藝術文化中心會員、NSO之友:9 折


信用卡購票:永豐銀行、國泰世華銀行 95 折;中國信託銀行、玉山銀行、台新銀行 9 折

5 折優惠:身障人士及其必要陪同者 1 人、65 歲以上年長者

團票 75 折優惠:單一節目購買 20 張以上,請洽詢 04-2251-1777



購買《熱帶天使》2021 NTT-FUN套票者(限$1,200 & 1,500票級),加贈「普頓經典洗護髮系列旅行組」乙組,限量100組,詳情請見歌劇院官網。

購買《鞍馬天狗》2021 NTT-FUN套票者(限$1,800 票級),加贈「莆田雙人摘星套餐券」乙張,限量80張,詳情請見歌劇院官網。






Ticket Information

NTT Member pre-order from 1st May. Tickets available from 8th May.

Ticket Package

Purchase four or more tickets for a single program and receive a 25% discount.

Other Discounts

10% - 25% off for NTT membership holders.

10% off for National Theater and Concert Hall, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) and National Symphony Orchestra membership holders.

5% off for Bank SinoPac and Cathay United Bank credit card holders.

10% off for CTBC Bank, E.SUN Commercial Bank and Taishin International Bank credit card holders.

50% off for disabled persons plus one companion, and senior citizens 65 or above (ID required at entrance).

25% off group ticket price for groups of 20 or more per program.

Only one discount may apply per purchase.

Tickets purchased as a ticket package can not be individually returned or exchanged.

Holders of NTT Artists in Residence LIN Meng-huan Tropical Angels four or more tickets of NT$1,200 & 1,500 are entitled to a free gift of PUDUEN Shampoo set. Please visit NTT’s official website for further information.

Holders of ChiChiao Musical Theatre Kurama Tengu four or more tickets of NT1,800 are entitled to a coupon of PUTIEN set menu for two. Please visit NTT's official website for further information.