

自2014年4月2日起,臺灣表演藝術發展邁入了全新的里程碑。「國家表演藝術中心」(以下簡稱本中心)正式掛牌成立,代表了一個「一法人多場館」新時代的來臨,轄下包含臺北、臺中、高雄三個國家級藝文場館 ——「國家兩廳院」、「臺中國家歌劇院」、「衛武營國家藝術文化中心」,以及附設團隊「國家交響樂團(NSO)」。














About us

April 2, 2014 was a milestone in the development of Taiwan's performing arts. On that day, the National Performing Arts Center (NPAC) was inaugurated as a unique structure of several performing arts venues operating under one entity, namely the National Theater & Concert Hall (NTCH), National Taichung Theater (NTT), National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) located in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung respectively, and an affiliated performance group, the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO).

The general and artistic directors of the three venues, Ann Yi-Ruu Liu of NTCH, Joyce Chiou of NTT, Chien Wen-Pin of Weiwuying, together with Jun Märkl, artistic advisor of NSO, join effort in leading their teams to manage and operate the three venues and the NSO, including the planning, promotion, and marketing of performing arts activities, as well as cultural exchanges in the global arena to improve the Taiwan's performing arts standard. With the three national venues working together, we look forward to a new vitality which will be brought to Taiwan’s performing arts.

With the inauguration of the highly-anticipated NTT in 2016, it brought new vitality to the performing arts environment of Taiwan. Both the NSO and the NTCH celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2017. Then, Weiwuying was inaugurated on October 13, 2018. With three federal-sponsored professional venues joining forces under the leadership of the NPAC, we pledged ourselves to be the frontline of the next development phase of Taiwan’s performing arts.


The National Performing Arts Center (NPAC) steered its driving force to expand the theatre creative energy , integrate its three venues and NSO vast resources, diversified talents and strengthened teamwork to fulfill the needs for performing arts development and supporting the arts ecology. At the same time, through joining efforts with professional partnerships and structures, NPAC strives to share the accumulated resources with performing arts groups and the public, ensuring the best outcome is given back to the society for their contributions and the trust they put in us.


The NPAC plays the leading role in Taiwan’s performing arts development, the three venues represents a locomotive that should always be filled with energy, lead and move forward in order to develop the performing arts ecosystem. We will improve the resources allocation in arts creations and ensuring beneficial results, so to breathe new life into the society, and base on it as our core value, we aimed to achieve the following 6 goals:

  1. Strengthening Platform Effect - To maximize the efficiency of resources allocation through vertical and horizontal integration.
  2. Investment on Developing Groups- To form a supportive system dedicated to provide assistance to various developing groups.
  3. Nurturing Professional Talents - To serve as a gathering platform for talents and encourage their flow and growth.
  4. Strengthening Local Connections - To develop local unique cultural traits through join effort with local government and groups.
  5. Expanding International Network - To promote more performing arts groups at international level through well planning and mutual benefits principal.
  6. Better Access to Cultural Arts - To encourage more participation from all groups in society, giving the community a friendly and wider access to arts.

 ► Act for Establishment of National Performing Arts Center