2021 夏日FUN時光 | 臺中國家歌劇院 National Taichung Theater



國際上的藝術愛好者會在夏日奔赴英國愛丁堡藝術節、法國亞維儂藝術節,而紐約中央公園也必定在盛夏上演莎士比亞藝術節。歌劇院的夏天,必定要屬於每個人的藝術節,「夏日放/FUN時光」就是歌劇院迎接大手牽小手的大家,一起HAVE FUN的盛宴。且來看看2022年歌劇院「夏日放/FUN時光」中,為大家獻上甚麼夏日特選吧?!

全臺音樂劇迷的盛事就在夏天的臺中!以百老匯音樂劇規格製作的《熱帶天使》,是歌劇院駐館藝術家林孟寰歷經3年打造,改編文學大師陳千武經典小說《活著回來》,在動人旋律中寫出身不由己的愛情與命運。外百老匯最長壽音樂劇《I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change》雖在去年因疫情延期至今,相信挾著曾上架歌劇院5小時即完售的紀錄,這次氣勢十足,4名國內頂尖音樂劇演員演繹50多個角色,20段關於約會、伴侶、婚姻、家庭與愛情的故事,不論是資深音樂劇迷或新鮮人,都能盡享觀演樂趣。國內音樂劇「老前輩」音樂時代製作的臺灣音樂劇首部曲《四月望雨》,睽違12年風華重現,以歌謠之父鄧雨賢的故事為背景,讓我們重返大稻埕摩登的「跳舞時代」!


首次在歌劇院舞台上為大家「開房間」的是駐館藝術家周曼農的劇場作品《偵探學》,這回觀眾得在大劇院舞台上的十幾個場景中,漫步遊走、尋找線索享受「解答破案」的快感。劇場百變女演員王安琪的獨角戲《愛在年老色衰前2.0》,以自身經驗為靈感,勾勒都會女性在交友網站尋找伴侶的種種趣事,詼諧、自諷,反映現代單身女性的感情生活。「夏日放/FUN時光」老朋友:達康.come「擴編」上場《欸!恐不恐怖?》除了雙人漫才、增加了多人短劇、歌舞音樂故事、即興大喜利,在笑鬧中喚醒我們曾深埋的恐怖經歷。《我為你押韻-情歌 Revival》是楊景翔演劇團10年來演出超過百場的作品,以90年代流行文化元素,重現七年級生懷舊的愛情故事。


—— 臺中國家歌劇院 藝術總監 邱瑗

Summer Fun Time that belongs to each of us!

Cicada songs in the summer are associated with poets, summer days at the beach are a time for family fun, and summers infused with the arts are the best gauges of a city’s vitality.

Arts lovers from around the world travel every summer to Edinburgh in Britain or Avignon in France, and Shakespeare in the Park is an annual ritual in New York’s Central Park. Summers at the NTT are designed to appeal to everyone, because the theater offers a bountiful banquet for all ages as parents and children enter our doors holding hands and having fun. Let’s quickly glance at the special offerings of 2022 NTT Summer Fun Time.

Oh! NTT Musicals
Summer in Taichung contains multiple highlights on the calendar of Taiwan’s musical theater fans! Adhering to the Broadway production process and having gone through three years of development, Tropical Angels will deliver moving melodies recounting irresistible love and irrevocable fate. This world premiere musical by NTT artist-in-residence LIN Meng-huan is adapted from CHEN Chien-wu’s classical novel Coming Back Alive. Although the pandemic delayed the arrival in Taichung of the long-running Off-Broadway musical I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change, last year’s box office feat (tickets were sold out within five hours) portents great success this summer. Four of Taiwan’s most illustrious musical theater performers portray more than 50 characters in 20 vignettes about dating, mating, marriage, family and love. No matter whether you’re a musical theater novice or a true aficionado, your senses will delight in this contemporary classic. April Rain, a pioneering work in Taiwan’s musical theater, will return to the stage in all its glory after a hiatus of a dozen years. Based on the life of TENG Yu-hsien, the father of Taiwan popular song, this production waxes nostalgic of the Dadaocheng dance scene of yesteryear.

Family Fun at the NTT
Cloud Gate Theater presents the family concert Worries of an Animal Doctor curated by three distinguished musicians, LI I-ching, LIEN Yi-shien and WANG Pei-yao (they also share another attribute, as mothers), pairing the music of Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals with dance, welcoming all those who are young at heart. Interdisciplinary artist/director Ballboss uses a contemporary perspective on Humperdinck’s Hänsel und Gretel, with enchanting melodies infused with childlike wonder leading both “lost” children and adults to find their way back home to their loving family. Under the auspices of the Emerging Artists Project, the selected team—the Antinomy Company—captures the best time of day for family sharing, inviting different actors from various age groups to create and perform Bedtime Story, exploring new, alternative possibilities of the theater.

Summers that belong to the theater
For the first time, the NTT Grand Theater greets audience members as they step foot on stage for an immersive experience, exploring multiple rooms set up by NTT artist-in-residence CHOU Man-nung in her work Detective Deduction. Everyone is invited to roam around a dozen different settings, experiencing the thrill of piecing together clues in “solving a case.” Multi-faceted veteran actress Angie WANG’s monodrama Before Outdated is inspired by her own experiences, filled with anecdotes about an urbanite in search of love online, adding a humorous sheen on the emotional lives of single women! An old friend of NTT Summer Fun Time, Dacon.come Laugh Live has expanded its original Creepy or Happy? including not only manzai but also short sketches, song and dance and improvisational skits, taking us back down memory lane reliving moments of terror. Love Song: Rhyme for you (Revival) is a popular work presented by the Yang’s Ensemble in the past decade, having already exceeded 100 shows, combining popular culture of the 1990s as we look back at a love story of a seventh grader.

We offer laughter, surprise, exhilaration and a few touching moments at the NTT. Every one of us, no matter our age, can find our own personal “Summer Fun Time” right here!

——  Joyce Chiou, Gen­eral and Artis­tic Di­rec­tor


  • 6/11 14:30
  • 6/11 19:30
  • 臺中一中校友會專場
    6/12 14:30

NTT Artists in Residence LIN Meng-huan Tropical Angels


  • 7/8   19:30
  • 7/9   14:30
  • 7/10 14:30

Before Outdated

Black Box

  • 7/29 19:30
  • 7/30 14:30、19:30
  • 7/31 14:30
  • 8/3   19:30
  • 8/4   19:30
  • 8/5   19:30
  • 8/6   14:30、19:30
  • 8/7   14:30

《I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change》
Activa Productions ─ Off-Broadway Musical 
I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change


  • 7/30 14:30
  • 7/30 19:30
  • 7/31 14:30

達康.come 笑現場
Dacon.come Laugh Live Show 
Creepy or Happy?

Grand Theater

  • 票價:600 8/3三 - 8/4
  • 8/5
  • 票價:800 8/5
  • 8/6
  • 8/7


NTT Artists in Residence CHOU Man-nung 
Detective Deduction


  • 8/6 11:00
  • 8/6 15:00
  • 8/7 11:00

雲門劇場家庭音樂會Trio Zilia三重奏

Cloud Gate Theater Family Concert 
Worries of an Animal Doctor 
by Trio Zilia


  • 8/12 19:30
  • 8/13 14:30
  • 8/14 14:30

Hänsel und Gretel by Humperdinck

Tutu Gallery

  • 8/20 14:30
  • 8/20 16:30
  • 8/21 14:30
  • 8/21 16:30

Antinomy Company Bedtime Story

Grand Theater

  • 8/27 14:30
  • 8/27 19:30
  • 8/28 14:30

《我為你押韻-情歌 Revival》

Yang's Ensemble Love Song:
Rhyme for you(Revival)

2022 NTT-FUN 夏日主題講座

  • 5/27
    19:30 - 21:30

地點|臺中國家歌劇院 角落沙龍

枝葉繁茂的盛夏,是闔家歡樂的季節,也是臺中國家歌劇院音樂劇與親子節目的盛宴。本講座邀請兩位專家從臺灣講到紐約,分享原創音樂劇《熱帶天使》、《四月望雨》及外百老匯長壽音樂劇之一的《I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change》,如何在臺灣寫下音樂劇的精彩與熱銷傳奇;並分享全新在地製作的童話歌劇《糖果屋》背後的創作概念與秘辛。


5/1 歌劇院會員預購,5/8 全面啟售

【2022 NTT-FUN套票】

「四人同行」 套票:購買《熱帶天使》、 《愛在年老色衰前2.0》、 《動物醫生的煩惱》、 《糖果屋》、 《我為你押韻,情歌 Revival》同場次票券4張以上享75折


購買《I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change》同場次票券4張以上享8折優惠。


歌劇院會員:序曲卡8折、NTT市民卡8折、藝文市民8折、劇院卡9折、忘我會員75折、學生會員75折(限購 1 場 1 張)







《I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change》、《睡前故事》不適用團票優惠。





本方案不適用於《I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change》、《偵探學》、《動物醫生的煩惱》、《睡前故事》、《四月望雨》。

Ticket Information

NTT Member pre-order from 1st May. Tickets available from 8th May.

Ticket Package

Purchase four or more tickets for a single program of Tropical Angels, Before Outdated, Worries of an Animal Doctor, Hänsel und Gretel, Love Song: Rhyme for you (Revival) receive a 25% discoun.

Purchase four or more tickets for a single program of I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change receive a 20% discount.

Other Discounts

10% - 25% off for NTT membership holders.

10% off for National Theater and Concert Hall, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) and National Symphony Orchestra membership holders.

10% off for CTBC Bank, E.SUN Bank, Taishin International Bank, Bank SinoPac and Cathay United Bank credit card holders.

50% off for disabled persons plus one companion, and senior citizens 65 or above (ID required at entrance).

25% off group ticket price for groups of 20 or more per program. For Detective Deduction, 20% off group ticket price for groups of 10 or more.

Only one discount may apply per purchase.

Tickets purchased as a ticket package can not be individually returned or exchanged.

Group ticket discount does not apply to I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change and Bedtime Story.