NTT-TIFA 歌劇院台灣國際藝術節 | 臺中國家歌劇院 National Taichung Theater





一起來看看2022 NTT-TIFA的藝術家們為大家嘗試探訪了什麼前景!結合AR、VR、AI運算虛實整合的《客廳》、《看見你的自由步2.0》、《大潮》;運用4D Box智慧舞台浮空投影的《光年紀事:臺北─哥本哈根》、《奪愛最終回》(自2020 NTT-TIFA重返!);「新藝計畫」以「影像」命題而獲選的純白舍 Dance Lab,運用影像與空間打造《平行視探》;從「聲響探索」切入的有:可沉浸體驗的聲響實驗室──動見体《凱吉一歲》親子版、歌劇院駐館藝術家鄭伊里以兩年駐館創作的電聲肢體劇場《感質》,及將與美國4次葛萊美獎聲音工程設計獎馬賽洛.阿內茲聯手的雲門舞集鄭宗龍全新舞作《霞》。最後,期待已久,被譽為「當代達文西」的創作鬼才羅伯.勒帕吉,終將以自編自導自演的最新鉅作《庫維爾1975:青春浪潮》首次造訪歌劇院。


—— 臺中國家歌劇院 藝術總監 邱瑗

Changing Perspectives

Art is the manifestation of human aesthetics, whether the medium involved is painting, sculpture, music, drama or the physical body. It is an integral part of civilization’s evolution, having served as a vehicle of religious proclamation and a voice for diverse ideologies through the ages. In art, we find the footprint of cultural development, chronicling how humankind has progressed step by step. As the pinnacle of aesthetics, art not only distills human emotions but also generates energy and excitement.

Why does NTT-TIFA tie “art” together with “technology”?

If we trace the historical relation between “technology” and “art,” we are soon reminded of the great Leonardo da Vinci. Centuries later, the Mona Lisa continues to attract countless visitors to the Louvre, each person vying to catch a glimpse of the original. Though we label da Vinci as an artist, we must also acknowledge him as a pioneer of technology: an expert in the sciences, he sketched the prototypes of parachutes and flying machines after observing how birds take flight. Thanks to his immense knowledge of anatomy and mechanics, he invented the first robot in history. Da Vinci also used mathematics to elucidate aesthetics, applying the “golden mean” in the Vitruvian Man—a drawing of a standing figure in two superimposed positions with arms and legs apart, inscribed in a circle and a square—an iconic image combining art and science that has been celebrated worldwide. All this reminds us once again that art and technology are not disparate entities but rather work in tandem, inspiring and furthering our pursuit in search of beauty and truth. Moreover, art and technology constitute two ends of the momentum inspiring and propelling us to look into the future. Thus, for NTT-TIFA to focus on technology is entirely logical: by combining aesthetics and science, we immerse ourselves in an ongoing experiment.

Looking at the new vistas that 2022 NTT-TIFA artists are preparing, we see shows integrating AR or VR that traverse real and virtual worlds: Living Room, FreeSteps AR Yours 2.0 and Acqua Alta. In Chronicle of Light Year: Taipei-Copenhagen and The Ultimate Battle (a reprise from 2020 NTT-TIFA), 4D Box mapping technology is applied to wow the audience. “Image” is the selected theme for our NTT Emerging Artists Project in 2022, and Pure White Dance Lab will present See, which explores the relationship between space and visual images. We also feature discoveries in the sonic realm: M.O.V.E. Theatre’s immersive sound lab Dear John (in a family-fun setting), NTT Artists in Residence CHENG I-lly’s Qualia (an electronica and body-movement theater performance two years in the making), and CHENG Tsung-lung’s Send in a Cloud (a new creation for Cloud Gate with four-time Grammy-winning sound designer Marcelo Anez). Finally, after a long wait, we eagerly welcome Robert Lepage, widely praised as the “da Vinci of our time,” who will bring to Taichung his newest work, Courville, in which he serves as creator and director, also appearing on the stage.

NTT-TIFA productions emanate from many perspectives. On the surface, they may appear to wear a similar technological cloak, but if you look deeper into their origins, you’ll notice they focus on aesthetic pursuits, each imbued with the fervent desire of human expression. Art and science may appear to be entirely different entities, but they complement each other. Years ago, a cellular company coined this brilliant promotional slogan, “Human technology.” From its very beginning, art is intimately tied with expressing our humanity. Though NTT-TIFA is a festival that focuses on technology, it’s also a fun-filled artistic adventure offering multiple ways to change our perspectives. In this wonderful playground, let us delight in the search of unexplored, interesting places.

——  Joyce Chiou, Gen­eral and Artis­tic Di­rec­tor

2022 NTT-TIFA節目異動及啟售公告(2022/1/12)
Special Announcement on Program Reschedule and Ticketing

2022 歌劇院台灣國際藝術節(NTT-TIFA)系列節目第二波節目即將於2/8-2/14會員預購,2/15全面啟售。
Tickets for 2022 National Taichung Theater – Taiwan International Festival of Arts (NTT-TIFA) programs will be available for NTT members from 8th Feb., 2022, and for public from 15th Feb., 2022.
Due to the global impact of the COVID-19, we hereby announce the cancellation and reschedule of the following programs:

【節目取消 Program Cancelled】
2022/4/7-4/10 北歐野獸舞團《奪愛最終回》The Nordic Beasts The Ultimate Battle

【節目異動 Program Reschedule】
2022/4/15-4/17 羅伯.勒帕吉╳機器神《庫維爾1975:青春浪潮》演出取消並於調整為《在月球的彼端》劇場特映活動 Robert Lepage╳Ex Machina Courville: cancelled and replaced by ExMachina The Far Side of the Moon Theatre Screening event. 2022/4/29-5/1 M&B雙人組《大潮》演出取消並調整為M&B雙人組《大潮》劇場特映暨展覽 Adrien M & Claire B Acqua Alta: cancelled and replaced by Adrien M & Claire B Acqua Alta Theatre Screening and Installation event. 2022/1/25(二)於歌劇院官網及OPENTIX售票平台公布相關場次及售票資訊


WANG Lien-cheng Living Room

凸凸廳Tutu Gallery


  • 4/2 六 至 5/2
    週二至週日 12:00-21:00
  • 演出

  • 4/9   13:30、15:00、16:30
  • 4/10 13:30、15:00
  • 4/30 13:30、15:00、16:30
  • 5/1   13:30、15:00


Very Theatre Chronicle of Light Year: Taipei-Copenhagen


  • 4/8   20:00
  • 4/9   14:30、20:00
  • 4/10 14:30


M.O.V.E. Theatre Dear John

Black Box & Outdoor Theater


  • 5/14 11:00、14:00、17:00
  • 5/15 11:00、14:00、17:00
  • 5/21 11:00、14:00、17:00
  • 5/22 11:00、14:00、17:00
  • 展覽

  • 5/17 二 至 5/20
    週二至週五 12:00-19:00

純白舍Dance Lab

Pure White Dance Lab See

凸凸廳Tutu Gallery


角落沙龍 Corner Salon
1/14 19:30 - 21:30


2021/12/27開放線上報名,詳情請見歌劇院官網品藝文專區。 活動前30分鐘開放入場,請出示報名QR Code,一人一票認證後入場。 活動開始前10分鐘,將視現場報到狀況開放候補觀眾依序入場,未完成報到手續者將視同現場候補觀眾。 活動進行中,請勿錄影、錄音,並請關閉隨身會發出聲響或光源的電子產品。 本場館保有活動資格審查權及最終解釋權,若有未盡事宜得隨時修正公佈之。


1/1 歌劇院會員預購,1/8 全面啟售

適用於王連晟《客廳》、狠劇場《光年紀事:臺北─哥本哈根》、雲門舞集 鄭宗龍《霞》、歌劇院駐館藝術家鄭伊里《感質》、動見体《凱吉一歲》親子版、純白舍Dance Lab《平行視探》

2/8 歌劇院會員預購,2/15 全面啟售




【2022 NTT-TIFA套票】




序曲卡 8 折、NTT市民卡 8 折、藝文市民 8 折、劇院卡 9 折、忘我會員 75 折、學生會員 75 折(限購1場1張)


9 折



5 折優惠:

身障人士及其必要陪同者 1 人、65 歲以上年長者

團票 75 折優惠:

單一節目購買 20 張以上,請來電 04-2251-1777 洽詢

各種優惠僅能擇一使用。 套票不接受單張退、換票,如需整套退、換票請於節目演出前一天辦理,並酌收每張票面價10%手續費。 購買《光年紀事:臺北─哥本哈根》、《霞》任2張票券金額總計$ 2,600元(含)以上者,加贈「THREE療癒保養禮品組」,詳情請見各節目介紹頁。 王連晟《客廳》、動見体《凱吉一歲》展覽,不適用上述套票及折扣優惠。 動見体《凱吉一歲》親子版、純白舍Dance Lab《平行視探》不適用團票優惠。



每場限購1張。入場須出示學生證,未出示證件者請於現場補足全價差額,並加收100元補票手續費。 票價與座位區域依該節目公告為準,詳見OPENTIX售票網頁。 本方案不適用於王連晟《客廳》、動見体《凱吉一歲》親子版、純白舍Dance Lab《平行視探》。

Ticket Information

NTT Member pre-order from 1st January.
Tickets available from 8th January.
WANG Lien-cheng Living Room, Very Theatre Chronicle of Light Year: Taipei-Copenhagen, Cloud Gate Send in a Cloud by CHENG Tsung-lung, NTT Artists in Residence CHENG I-lly Qualia, M.O.V.E. Theatre Dear John, Pure White Dance Lab See.

NTT Member pre-order from 8th February.
Tickets available from 15th February.
The Nordic Beasts The Ultimate Battle, Robert Lepage╳Ex Machina Courville, HORSE FreeSteps AR Yours 2.0, Adrien M & Claire B Acqua Alta.

Early Bird Discount

From 1st to 7th January, 22% - 25% off regular ticket price for NTT Members.
From 8th to 14th February, 22% - 25% off regular ticket price for NTT Members.
No limits on price categories and amount of tickets.

Ticket Packages

Purchase four or more tickets for a single program of Courville or Send in a Cloud and receive a 25% discount.

Other Discounts

10% - 25% off for NTT membership holders.

10% off for National Theater and Concert Hall, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) and National Symphony Orchestra membership holders.

10% off for CTBC Bank, E.SUN Bank, Taishin International Bank, Bank SinoPac and Cathay United Bank credit card holders.

50% off for disabled persons plus one companion, and senior citizens 65 or above (ID required at entrance).

25% off group ticket price for groups of 20 or more per program.

Only one discount may apply per purchase. Tickets purchased as a ticket package can not be individually returned or exchanged. Holders with two or more tickets of Chronicle of Light Year: Taipei-Copenhagen, Send in a Cloud, with a total value more than NT$ 2,600 are entitled to get a free gift set of THREE Skincare. Please visit NTT's official website for further information. Discounts mentioned above do not apply to Living Room and Dear John exhibition. Group ticket discount does not apply to Dear John and See.