© Clive Barda
沙隆年不斷追求創新的特質,使其成為古典樂界獨樹一幟的指揮家,其指揮生涯猶如點石成金的魔術師。在洛杉磯交響樂團長達17年音樂總監任內,注入21世紀的嶄新觀念與作法,帶入諸多現代首演之作,使樂團重振聲名,《紐約時報》讚譽「沙隆年讓洛杉磯交響樂團成為全美最有活力的樂團」,《洛杉磯時報》則認為他幫助樂團成為「開放、互動、有想像力的藝術家及演出製作團隊,成為這個國家、這個時代,人們的最愛」,他於2006年獲得美國媒體Musical America選為年度音樂家。
2008年沙隆年受邀擔任英國愛樂管絃樂團首席指揮後,他率領樂團前進各大音樂盛會,同時展開許多創舉,例如策劃曾獲獎的跨界展覽RE-RITE 與 Universe of Sound,讓民眾透過影像與聲音計畫,得以參與演奏、指揮;並協助發展iPad應用程式The Orchestra,讓使用者史無前例的參與8首交響樂製作。他為古典樂的未來,開闢科技蹊徑,擁抱21世紀的全球觀眾。他除了擔綱指揮、音樂總監,更是當代重要作曲家、策展人,全面發展的音樂成就與貢獻,備受世人肯定。
Salonen was born in Helsinki. He was Principal Conductor of Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra 1985–95 and Music Director of Los Angeles Philharmonic 1992–2009, where he is now Conductor Laureate. He has been closely involved with the Philharmonia since 1984 and is currently Principal Conductor and Artistic Advisor for the orchestra. In 2014 he became the first Creative Chair of the Tonhalle-Orchestra Zürich, and he is co-founder and Artistic Director of the Baltic Sea Festival.This season is his second of three as the Marie-Josée Kravis Composer-in-Residence at the New York Philharmonic, and his first of five years as Artist in Association at the Finnish National Opera and Ballet.He regularly performs as a guest conductor with orchestras including Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre de Paris, New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, and for such opera companies as the Metropolitan Opera, New York, and at the Aix-en-Provence Festival.
Salonen and the Philharmonia have curated landmark multi-disciplinary projects, such as the award-winning RE-RITE and Universe of Sound installations, which allow the public to conduct, play, and step inside the Philharmonia with Salonen through audio and video projections. Salonen also drove the development of an app for iPad, The Orchestra, which allows the user unprecedented access to the internal workings of eight symphonic works.