Latecomers and Cancellations
※ Please notify NTT no later than 15:00 the day before to cancel a scheduled Guided Tour. If you fail to cancel as above, or if the actual number of participants exceeds or falls short by five or more, you will be barred from booking a Guided Tour for at least six months.
Rental of Audio Equipment
※ Users are responsible for any loss or damage to the Audio Equipment. A penalty will be levied to cover equipment replacement.
※ Audio Equipment must be returned to the Customer Service Counter after use. NTT staff will check the equipment before returning IDs or refunding deposits. Audio Equipment must be collected and returned together.
※ If a Guided Tour coincides with performances and the foyer cannot be accessed, the tour route will be adjusted. We ask for your understanding.
※ Working and audience seating areas of the Grand Theater, Playhouse and Black Box are not accessible.