
Maria Donata D’ Urso

Conception and Choreography

Maria Donata D’Urso, artistic director, choreographer, dancer and interpreter, was born in Catania, Italy. She studied architecture and contemporary dance in Rome. In 1985, she worked with choreographer Richard Haisma and studied at Merce Cunningham Studio and Nikolais Murray Louis Dance Company.

Since 1988, she has lived in Paris, studying and working with Paco Decina, Francesca Lattuada, Hubert Colas, Arnold Pasquier, Marco Berretti, Christian Rizzo and Wolf Ka. In 2004, she founded DisOrienta. Her works are focused on limits, absence & presence, inside & out and ambiguous surfaces. She was artist-in-residence at Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto, Japan in 2012.